Worship & Production
There are many opportunities for all interested in contributing to worship services through our Worship and Production Ministry. Below you will find various ways you can serve and you don’t have to have a special talent in music – just a desire to help others have an awesome worship experience!
There are opportunities to serve in our traditional service at 9:00 AM in the Chancel Choir, Handbell Choir, as a Scripture Reader, or as a part of the AV Team. Additionally, there are similar opportunities to serve in the 11:00 AM contemporary service. Check out the opportunities below by expanding each title.
Since the worship space is a place where people assemble to encounter Christ, our altar attendants prepare the worship space for service and decorate seasonally throughout the year. Questions? Contact Todd King at todd.king@faithmc.org.
Adult | All Year | Tues 7:00-9:00PM
The Choir at Faith is made up of people from all walks of life that have a heart for worship and making glorious music to God. It is NOT necessary to be classically trained to sing, or even know how to read music…just show up and we will teach you!
Under the direction of Todd King, the choir sings each Sunday at the 9:00AM Traditional Worship Service and for special services during Advent, Christmas, Lent, Holy Week and Easter, and July 4th. The choir meets each Tuesday evening from 7:00 to 9:00PM in the Sanctuary and takes rehearsals off during the month of July, while continuing to sing in the loft on Sundays. If you love to sing, please come and be part of something great happening here at Faith! Questions? Contact Todd King at todd.king@faithmc.org.
Help with preparing, distributing, and cleaning up the elements for our worship services. Communion is offered the first Sunday of every month at the 9AM and weekly at the 11AM services. Questions? Contact Todd King at todd.king@faithmc.org.
Adult & Youth | Sept-May | Tues 6:00-7:00AM
The Bells of Faith serve to help enhance our worship experiences. We rehearse in the Sanctuary and perform regularly throughout the church year in the 9:00AM Traditional Service as well as on special occasions such as Christmas, Easter, and July 4th. The handbell choir does not rehearse during the months of June, July, or August.
Under the direction of Christina King, the handbell choir is comprised of members from the Adult Choir, and members of the congregation, but all have a passion for making beautiful music unto the glory of God. We welcome anyone interested to join us for rehearsal, though advanced music reading skill is preferred. Please feel free to stay and join the choir rehearsal which begins at 7:00PM. We look forward to seeing you! Questions? Contact Todd King at todd.king@faithmc.org.
Kids Praise Elementary Choir
The Faith Children’s Choir will provide the children of our church in 1st-5th grade an opportunity to serve the Lord, to learn about music, and to use their voices in worship to the glory of God. Choir is on Wednesdays from 5:30-6:00 pm.
Wee Praise Cherubs Choir
The Faith Pre-K Choir will offer fun and engaging ways to teach healthy singing to children age 3* through Kindergarten as we prepare them to lead worship through their songs. (*Must be age 3 as of September 1, 2024.) Choir is on Wednesdays from 6:00-6:30 pm.
Click here to register for the Spring session which begins January 15.
The Praise Team performs during the 11:00AM service. Praise Band participants must have a basic mastery of their primary instrument. Those interested in becoming one our singers or playing in the band are welcome to join our rehearsals, Sunday after service, at any time to work towards joining us on Sunday mornings. Please contact Todd King at todd.king@faithmc.org for more information.
Singing not your thing? It takes a great team to run the slides and assist with sound and videography. We welcome anyone who may be interested in helping us! No experience is necessary; we will train you. Please email patrick.kehoe@faithmc.org if you would like to join us!
We delight in having congregation members come forward to read aloud a Responsive Psalter reading during our 9:00AM Traditional service. Readers are always given the scripture in advance, and we welcome all who wish to help with this special time in service. Questions? Contact Todd King at todd.king@faithmc.org.
Ushers are present at the 9:00 and 11:00AM services and have the important duty of welcoming all to our worship space. They also pass out bulletins, pick up registration booklets, help attendees find seating and perform offertory duties. Questions? Contact Todd King at todd.king@faithmc.org.