That Thursday Night Class
All are welcome to join us Thursday nights for a Bible study with various topics. We are a group of men and women, couples and singles, who enjoy discussing our faith and eating a meal together! From 6:30-7:00 pm we gather and have snacks/dinner, then we will watch a DVD of a study topic which lasts about 25-30 minutes, followed by class discussion and wrap up around 8:30 pm.
Beginning January 9, we will begin a 5-week study titled “In the Dust of the Rabbi”. There is a book available on Amazon, but it is not required for the class.
Filmed on location in Israel, Faith Lessons – The Dust of the Rabbi – is a unique series that brings God’s Word to life. By weaving together the Bible’s fascinating historical, cultural, religious and geographical contexts, teacher and historian Ray Vander Laan reveals keen insights into Scripture’s significance for modern believers. In The Dust of the Rabbi: Becoming a Disciple transports you to locations in Israel and Turkey to learn how the early church lived as disciples of Jesus. Learn about how following a rabbi wasn’t simply a hobby, it was a passion that was the driving force behind every action, every thought. And ask yourself, how passionate are you to follow Jesus?
CHAPTER 1 When the Rabbi Says, “Come”: There was an old Jewish saying that said to follow a rabbi was to “be covered with the dust of his feet.” When Jesus says, “Come” how close to him do you get? Travel into Galilee and see how the text, the community and becoming like the rabbi drive the early disciples.
CHAPTER 2 When the Rabbi Says, “Go”: In Jesus’ time, disciples were raised in a Jewish community that knew and lived the Torah. However, at some point, they would be sent out into a hellenistic world. These early disciples spend the rest of their lives trying to live like Jesus.
CHAPTER 3 The Presence of God: A Counter-Cultural Community: Set in the beautiful, Greek city of Priene, Ray Vander Laan walks us back into a time where town councils, city markets and even the warmth of the fire were provided by the gods of the day. How does a follower of Jesus live among believers of Athena, Apollo and Asclepius? Learn what it means to truly be part of a community of believers.
CHAPTER 4 Living Stones: We once again visit Priene, this time to see the ruins of the magnificent temple of Athena. But as majestic and awe-inspiring as that temple must have been, it no longer stands. Ray Vander Laan challenges believers to consider what it means to be the temple of God. What do we look like to the rest of the world?
CHAPTER 5 The Very Words of God: Didyma was one of three oracles in ancient times – places where people would travel hundreds of miles just to hear the predictions of the gods. Explore the ancient mystery of the oracle process and consider how far you would go to hear a word from God.