Harvest Festival
Join us for our annual Harvest Festival community-wide free event on Sunday, October 20 from 3:00-6:00 pm. This is one of our biggest outreach events all year so be sure to invite your friends and family to come and enjoy!
In order to make this event successful, we need some volunteers… well a LOT of volunteers… before, during, and after the event so please use the links below to sign-up!
In addition to volunteers, we also need candy donations for the treat trail. Next time you are at the grocery store, please pick up an extra bag or two and drop it off in the collection bins outside the worship areas. You can also view the Amazon wish list link below for candy as well as items needed for the parking lot team.
ADULT Volunteers click here.
YOUTH Volunteers click here.
AMAZON Wish List click here.
*Although the event is free, you will pay for food from the food trucks. Additionally, this year, we are asking for parking donations to help offset the cost of the event.