Spiritual gifts are expressions of the Holy Spirit in the life of believers which empowers them to serve within the body of Christ. Like fingerprints, each of us have different spiritual gifts according to what God has given us through His grace. These gifts listed below will help us serve effectively at Faith Methodist Church and in His Kingdom. If you have not completed the Spiritual Gifts Survey, please use this link to discover your personal God given gifts: Spiritual Gifts Survey.
We will discover more about our God-given spiritual gifts and how to use these gifts through this sermon series.
You can watch these sermons again online via our YouTube channel Spiritual Gifts Sermons.
Want to know more? Join Pastor RaMona for a Spiritual Gifts Class. We will be offering another one soon.
Now that you have received the results of your Spiritual Gifts Survey, use the information below to identify areas in our church where you are able to best utilize your God given gifts.
If you would like a printed version of this information, please click the button below.
Spiritual Gifts
Leads the church body by steering others to remain on task and enables them to organize according to God-given purposes and long-term goals.
Ministry areas to serve:
Church Committee member, Office volunteer
Motivate the church body to look beyond the walls of the church in order to carry out the Great Commission.
Ministry areas to serve:
Fort Bend Hope, Jackson Elementary, Helping Hands, Fort Bend Family Promise, FUEL, FYSH, Missionaries
Aids the church body by recognizing the true intentions of those within or related to the body.
Ministry areas to serve:
Church Committee member
Leads others to Christ effectively and enthusiastically.
Ministry areas to serve:
Sunday School leaders, Greeters, Small groups, Senior Living visitors
Encourages members to be involved in and enthusiastic about the work of the Lord.
Ministry areas to serve:
Sunday School leaders, Scripture readers, Children’s and Youth volunteers, greeters
Trusts God to work beyond the human capabilities of the people.
Ministry areas to serve:
Any area of ministry within the church
Freely and joyfully give to the work and mission of the church.
Ministry areas to serve:
Any area of ministry within the church
Make visitors, guests, and strangers feel at ease and integrate new members into the church body.
Ministry areas to serve:
Greeters, Festival volunteers, Funeral Team, Coffee Crew, Small Group leaders, Band leaders
Teaching and training in discipleship. It is the God-given ability to learn, know, and explain the precious truth of God’s Word.
Ministry areas to serve:
Sunday School teacher, Small Group leader, Bible Study facilitator, Confirmation Class leader
Aids the church body by leading and directing members to accomplish the goals and purposes of the church.
Ministry areas to serve:
Church Committee member, Sunday School leader, Member of a band (small group)
Cheerful acts of compassion which aids the church body by empathizing with hurting members.
Ministry areas to serve:
Care Team, Disaster Relief Team, Homebound Communion servers, Senior Living visitors
Proclaims the Word of God boldly in a way that builds up the church body.
Ministry areas to serve:
Sunday School teacher, Small Group leader, Bible Study facilitator, Preaching
Recognizes practical needs in the body and joyfully give assistance to meeting those needs.
Ministry areas to serve:
Ushers, Funeral Team, Threads of Hope, Care Team, Disaster Relief Team, Coffee Crew, Senior Living visitors
Looks out for the spiritual welfare of others.
Ministry areas to serve:
Care Team members, Homebound Communion servers, Prayer Team members
Instructing members in the truths and doctrines of God’s Word for the purposes of building up, unifying, and maturing the church body.
Ministry areas to serve:
Sunday School teacher, Small Group leader, Bible Study facilitator, Confirmation Class leader
Discerns the work of the Holy Spirit in the church body and applies His teachings and actions to the needs of the body.
Ministry areas to serve:
Youth mentor/Sunday School teacher, Mid-week volunteer, Confirmation Class leader, Children’s Sunday School teacher